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Re: Re: Monster Garage

To: Dale Krumheuer <>, DrMayf <>,
Subject: Re: Re: Monster Garage
From: Sparky <>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 19:31:38 -0600
Dale,  If Jack is not going to take issue with you over this statement I 
will---you are correct about the first part---I fyou do it yourself---most 
Special Construction racers will know ---because it shows your skills and 
knowledge----warts and all---their is now differenc in the outcome---it is 
measured by the great White Dyno and it prints out on the speed slip the the 
difference might well be the cost of the eng parts---BUT IT SURE AS HEck 
DOESN'T deminish or devalue anyones efforts or time
> To build a LSR car/bike requires building a soul into your project.  A soul 
>is developed in your project based on your dreams, innovation, blood sweat and 
> Building the lakester in a few days and with an unlimited supply of cash 
>diminishes the value of those that have truly labored over their projects.
> Dale Krumheuer
> Cleveland Ohio
> "DrMayf <> wrote: Well, the show was pretty cool. Those 
>guys did pretty well in 5 1/2 days.
> One thing I missed was why Jesse cut the pointy nose off the car and built
> that blunt one. And where in Mexico is that pile of tanks?
> Was MIke Cook there to give him a red hat if he went 200 mph? I don't see
> why not, bout the same as MAxton used to be...speed ove 200 got you a hat,
> different now maybe, Keith?
> Anyway, it was cool! And congrats to those who participated!
> > 

Lakester 2211

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