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To: "Sparky" <>, <>
Subject: RE: WELCOME
From: "James Tone" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 09:06:39 -0800
The reason Sparky tells you to have 3 rule books (you actually may need
more) is one for the table in front of the TV, one for the bathroom, and
won in your lunch pail for work if you work. If your lucky enough to be
retired that on could be for the work bench (that's why the possible 4th
one). All questions can be answered by the book (back off here guys). It
just may be hard to find. Our fore-fathers were good at putting it in
and are having a great time now laughing at us trying to find it. I keep
last years and this years in from of me at my desk at all times. Along
with many others I read and look at it all the time and continually find
thing are not where I think they should be but they are right (I've been
doing this for 30 years this year).... Good Luck  

PS: It's best not to ask too many questions without having one. When I
answer a question either here or on the phone I always refer to the
book. On the phone, if they don't have one it's actually a waste of

Hello---newbies---by all means order three rule books--and read each one
3 times---all parts including definitations--it will serve you
well---have fun chasing "THE DREAM" as well as the records--best of
lucks service.

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