I've been trying to decide how to bring the rear most part of the bodywork
to a conclusion, given the need for tubes for chutes/exhaust......... it
isn't possible to bring the bodywork totally to a point unless I mould in
the tubes afterwards. So.... do I do this or employ the so called "Kamm
effect" my limited knowledge (far too limited!) suggests only wind tunnel
testing will show the answer, have to wait and see.
Cheers, Paul. In the UK where it was 3 degrees C when I opened up this
----- Original Message -----
From: "Albaugh, Neil" <albaugh_neil@ti.com>
To: <Dale.Clay@mdhelicopters.com>; <drmayf@teknett.com>;
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 10:26 PM
Subject: RE: Sreamliner question.
> Dr Kamm studied this extensively and concluded that if it wasn't
> possible to carry the streamlined body shape all the way to a point then
> it was better to chop off the tail. I suppose he had some conclusions as
> to where that tradeoff occurred but I don't have a copy of his paper so
> I don't know any details; it was probably in German anyway.
> Regards, Neil Tucson, AZ