This thread makes me think of the '53 Chevy 2-dr 6/Powerslide that my
cousin and I shared. Burned oil so bad that we'd get the drain oil
from the gas station and put that in the crankcase, and we'd save a few
cents on gas (after all, it WAS 19 cents/gallon!) by using a mix of
three gallons of gas to one gallon of kerosene in the fuel tank. We'd
tie a rope to the back bumper and tow each other, on a sled (winter
time) back and forth on the twisty-turny up-and-down the ravine
half-mile driveway to his house, seeing if the driver could shake the
sled rider off. In the summer one of us would crawl in the truck, the
other would drive for fifteen or twenty minutes -- the trunk person
would have to try to guess where we were BEFORE being released.
No, the carbon monoxide didn't bother us (but don't ask why my daughter
has six arms, three eyes, and stubby toes!!!).
Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
Marquette, Michigan
(that's 'way up north)
PS Jack, high school in '52? Manoman, you must be old!