I don't know your experience with nitro and I can only voice the experience
I have had in the last six years. I run 72% with 10.25-1 compression. A
friend runs up to 85% on 11-1 compression. I am planning on going to 80% at
WF. However with what I have seen for 30 years if you are planning on
running as much as you can in a SBC please push to the 1-1/2 mile area so it
will live long enough to get a 1/4 mile time. You can also talk to John
Beck of Pro Machine who makes one live to the 4 with 80-90% in the tank and
those hard and expensive runs in a highboy roadster(and many years of
experience). Best of Luck
> What compression ratio can be run on 98% nitro? Assume a SBC, on the long
> course, mechanical injection, normally aspirated, and no electronic
> management.