I bow to are the greatest, I am a has been! However, my car
looks like a car, not like a bullet... Anyhow the M/Ts from John have
arrived and are being mounted as I write. The transmission is in the
shop, parachute is repaired and if the wheels arrive in time, they will
also have tires on them for backup. Life is good...hope your luck is as
good as mine.
Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/FCC
Keith Turk wrote:
> Now wait a minute TOM.... was that YOU saying you were faster ..... to
> funny..... okay here's what you have to work with.... 299.3 cubic inches and
> a record of 246.555mph... 2003
> Unless your going to be greedy and do this year... which was 358cu in and
> 253mph... ( I know I didn't set a record but maybe for the sake of bench
> racing you can allow me to have it...) 2004 so far
> and your sniveling bout wheels.... Tom my Motor isn't even here yet.... We
> lost those two pistons and Ted has busted his butt to make it all better....
> TODAY i'm supposed to get it... if I don't we won't be going...( I've been
> assured it's on the way this morning )
> Keith( all of this said strickly tongue in cheek of course )