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Re: Bumps, Suspension, Etc.

Subject: Re: Bumps, Suspension, Etc.
From: John Goodman <>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 12:27:28 -0700 (PDT)

I thought you went to 800lbs springs (up from 400lbs)
for SpeedWeek? Regardless, if after a spring rate
increase your vertical chassis travel remained the
same (before spring change) that may indicate you have
not increased spring rate enough. Changing spring rate
may or may not require shock vale changes. Stiffer
springs should oscillate at different Hz but may not
be so great a difference as to warrant changing shock
valves. Data from your potentiometers could give you a

Are you raising the nose or lowering the rear? If you
are raising the nose, will you not also increase the
flow of air under the car? Do you want to do this?
Even with some sort of diffuser/splitter at the front,
I should think creating a high-pressure area under the
front axle would cause lift in that region. If you are
lowering the rear and keep the nose at roughly, the
same ride height (lowering angle of attack) that would
be a more comfortable situation.


--- Keith Turk <> wrote:

> Sooo all that having been said ... John... you would
> agree with me that
> since the travel was to great I'm increasing the
> spring rate from 400 to 600
> and leaving the shocks the same.... oh and I'm
> raising the nose a bit to
> compensate...
> The up side ( pun semi intended ) is that I'm
> decreasing the angle of attack
> of the car which should decrease the overall
> downforce as well....
> Ultimately this should free up the car a bit and
> make it just  bit faster...
> Keith

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