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Re: Dish pan hands

To: "Jon E. Wennerberg" <>,
Subject: Re: Dish pan hands
From: Bryan Savage <>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 13:08:18 -0700
I always hope for rain on I80 coming back to CA.  I ran through a 
thunderstorm coming
home in 1972 that put so much water on the road in had to down shift my 
Honda Car
(600) to third to maintain 50 mph. No rust appeared in the next 6 years.

After 6 years of drought (or new weather patterns) there are few rivers 
in CA with
more that 3 feet of water but I'm sure your idea would work great.


Jon E. Wennerberg wrote:

>On Thursday, August 26, 2004, at 10:11 PM, Bryan Savage wrote:
>>If anyone has an easy way to clean stuff up, I'd love to hear it.
>I still maintain that the best way to clean the race vehicle after 
>outings on the Salt is to find a fast-running creek about a foot deeper 
>than the height of the vehicle, plug up the intake and exhaust holes, 
>and park the dang race vehicle in the creek for a couple of days.
>Don't tell your Department of Natural Resources about it, though - 
>you'd probably get a citation for water pollution. . .
>                 Jon Wennerberg
>Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
>              Marquette, Michigan
>              (that's 'way up north)

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