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Tracking ...

To: (landspeed list)
Subject: Tracking ...
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 14:34:59 +0000
Received this this morning from a group called Accountability Utah.  They are a 
watchdog organization that monitors bills proposed for the legislature and 
political happenings in the state.  This little clip makes me shudder;

Legislators Consider Mandatory Tracking Chip for Your Car
Salivating legislators are considering an Oregon scheme to mandate satellite 
tracking chips in all automobiles.  These chips would monitor where your cars 
are, when you drive them, how much you drive them, and allow officials to tax 
you on those miles -- providing an innovative new way to steal and spend your 
money. Give officials a piece of your mind now (or your privacy later) at

Rental car companies would love to have this capabillity I'm sure.  The threat 
of being able to track you would also be a boon for insurance companies.  They 
would actually know more about you and your driving than you would.  It could 
be fun to see someones face who was reading tracking at an insurance company 
after a doorslammer goes 300 on the salt.


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