In case you folks are curious.... David's been on the Salt many times...
this truly is one of his passions... He's driven a couple of cars out
there.. and he's got an A lic already... he's been through some pretty
serious driving schools and has the ability to actually drive this car with
no issues....
His questions about bore and stroke represent his curiousity for engines....
The position at Hot Rod gives him the opportunity to explore things most of
us just question. oh and engines abound... so if he blow's one of these up
it's not the end of the world...
So the car is going to be in good hands...
Me ... well I'm going back out to work some more... prepping two cars for
Bonneville is a full time task...
Keith ( and yeah.... LIFE IS GOOD )
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bryan Savage" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: The cat is out of the bag
> Congratulations David.
> You're in for an experience that's hard to describe. My first time
> competing at Bonneville
> was an incredible education. Problem I had was it was like getting a
> drink of water out
> of a fire hose.
> You've chosen to team up with one of my "A" list people. Smart move.
> See you at the salt,
> Bryan Savage
> OBTW - The day the "New, new" Hot Rod arrived I renewed for 2 years.