Tom, Why don't you send or take them to the nearest veteran's hospital?
I know that the guys there just love to read about cars and really
appreciate them. Just a way to thank them for their service to our country.
Doug Odom in big ditch
Tom Neimeyer wrote:
> I have some old Rod & Custom and Street Rodder magazines from the 60s and
>70s. I'm cleaning out a lot of stuff like this. I pains me to throw them
>away but I am. However, if anybody on the list would like them, I will box
>them up and send them if you will pay for postage. I do not know how many I
>have or what they weight but I can send 20# for $15 according to the USPS
>website. If anybody is interested send me some e-mail and I can weight them
>and give you a better estimate.
>Regards, Tom