So it's an Inliner with Three on The Tree and Balloon Tires to give you that
"Boulevard Ride" .
And remember, Buick's Automatic Transmission didn't "Creep".
98% of the drivers of Chrysler cars with Fluid Drive and the M-6
transmission never knew it was a 4 speed!
You folks are stirring up a lot of rusty, dusty thoughts,
Bryan wrote:
>"straight shift" and "foot feed" remind me of my grand-daddy.[1]
>Grand-daddy and Uncle Lewis used to put "big old truck motors" [2] in sedans
>the shiners in georgia.
>All these years, all this technology and look where we ended up!
>[1] Who wouldn't let my drive his 50 studebaker cause I was "too hard on it."
>[2] 348s or 409s
>Quoting John Szalay <>:
>>but he has gotten himself a project car to play with.
>>6 banger & straight shift. he a happy guy..