> Doug,
> I don't recall the car you refer to...I do know Bob Joehnck, we competed
> with him in D/Gas Roadster. He built some good engines. Karol Miller got
> everyone's attention when he set the D/Gas Coupe record at 151 &change
> in 1958. Really fast in those days.
The Patterson Ford "Long-Dog" was very prevelant in the 1955-58 period.
As I recall you ran there in the early 60's and the Long-Dog was prolly gone
I left the area when I finished college at Cal Poly in late 1959. I quit
competing when I got married after the 1958 school year and sold the dragster
in 1960. During the 1958-59 racing season Gary Boerman and Jerry Adams put a
blown gasser Olds in the car and ran San Luis Obispo and Santa
Maria........................Ardun Doug King