----- Original Message -----
From: "Phillip Landry" <saltracer@hotmail.com>
> We're at the point that we need to start buying primer and soon (hopefully)
> paint. I bought one quart of DTM primer, one pint hardener, and one gallon
> of thinner (PPG brand). It was $129! This is a small car luckily,but we do
> want to paint two different colors on the chassis and exterior. What brands
> of paint do you guys use and what are your sources? Phil
I tend to stick to DuPont products. For years I used their Centari line, good
cost, a little picky
about gun distance from the work, and a little too hard (chips). A friend
really swears by their
Nason line. I bought a Fiat X1/9 from him that he painted with a nice Nason
metallic black, it
really took my abuse, no chipping, and no UV damage from our Florida sun. So,
next time I think I'll
try Nason.
There's a local auto body paint supplier (Melbourne, FL) that I buy most
everything from. I haven't
found a mail order place that's cheaper, plus it's nice if you need 'just one
more quart' to be able
to have it made right then and there.
If you want to see expensive, check out House of Kolor, ouch!