On Friday, April 2, 2004, at 05:26 PM, todd wrote:
> Wow, i've gotten like 30 mails in the last 2 days.. i think everyone
> is just
> shunnin' ya'll. :-)
> Jon, why don't you share the newspaper article I seen from your town
> with
> everyone? Great story IMO and it let's us know each other just a
> little bit
> more.
> Todd
Okay, I didn't think I oughta brag on myself, but go ahead and read it.
Go to www.infodestruction.com and click on "Star in the News" in the
middle of the page. No comments about the "plaid guy", okay?
Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
Marquette, Michigan
(that's 'way up north)
PS The lady that wrote the article didn't seem interested in putting in
a photo of the race bike. I wonder what's the matter with her?