At 01:38 PM 3/7/04 -0500, you wrote:
>I am looking for a unit that will fold up for storage and have about 800 to
>1000 lbs capacity. not for engines but for repairing machines in the shop..
>Any ideas?
>I don't want it to take up floor space when not being used though..
>A long boom with a somewhat reduced weight rating would be a plus as well
>along with a reasonable price to go with it to boot..
We looked for something like that for a while, we ended up constructing
a bridge/gantry crane on rollers.
was able to straddle machinetools, used it to work on machines (mills & lathes)
remove heads or motors off of mills,
and also to load and unload heavy items that needed to be positioned on work
when it was not in use, rolled out of the way, or rolled it between machines.
took up very little space.
would have been nicer to have a bridge crane that ran the length of the shop
but cost for that would have been unreal, ( shop ran about 600 foot in length)
did have two smaller bridgecranes over the injection machines in the rear of
the shop.
we did also have a light duty post crane like they mount on pickup truck beds,
had it on a roll around base, but had to scrap that, too many folks ignored
the load restrictions and ended up tipping it over.. ( stupidity rules )