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E.T. Bonneville semi-LSR

Subject: E.T. Bonneville semi-LSR
From: John Szalay <>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 16:02:58 -0500
 It appears we may have a LSR fan at NASA JPL 
or at least a geology type that knows the Salt flats.

 The Mars rover SPIRIT  ( with front & rear wheel steering.)
is heading to a crater named  "BONNEVILLE"
 In coming weeks, scientists and engineers plan for Spirit to drive up to the 
rim of a crater dubbed "Bonneville," still more than two football-field lengths 
away, in hopes of peering inside and seeing rock layers that could tell the 
geologic history and the potential role of water at the Gusev site. "

In other news releases, there are several references to
the Bonneville Salt Flats and now a mars feature has been named 
by the exploration team..

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