Happy New Year's to all of you!
So, as for the Young Racing Team's winter projects...I guess the biggest one
is to work on getting the most out our cars to get them to go faster with
what we have! My dad is working on going through the roadster to keep us
going faster and maybe in 2004 we'll earn a red hat. Who knows what is in
store for us there at the salt, other than having a fun time.
Also the biggest project we are working on here at the Cortez household is
preparing for the arrival of another land speed racer in May. Oh, Ron is so
thrilled already thinking about taking care of a two year old and a 4 month
old while I "play" on the salt in the roadster at Speed Week! Hey, I figure
he needs to earn his keep while he is along with us having so much fun!
Plus, I did give him the idea of dropping "Garmen" off at her cousin's just
south of Salt Lake for the week.
May you all have a healthy, safe, and prosperous 2004!
:-) Katie Young Cortez