Here is a short clip of a news article I was reading. Think about it if you
ran this brand of tire you could back charge them for the time you spent
gathering research data for them. Amounting to free tires??? Ok its been a
slow day for me. Still thinking about the piston slapping issue.
"Tires, too, can tell on drivers. This year, Michelin began implanting
match-head-sized chips in tires that can be read remotely. The company
started using the
chips to provide manufacturing information that could help spot failure
trends and to comply with a federal law requiring close tracking of tires
for recalls. But
privacy activists fear that the chips, which can be loaded with a car's
vehicle identification number, would allow yet another form of automated
vehicle tracking.
"You basically have Web browser 'cookies' in your tires," said Richard M.
Smith, an independent privacy researcher"
Here is the article in full