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Re: Traction Control

To: Keith Turk <>
Subject: Re: Traction Control
From: Joe Amo <>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 10:29:19 -0700
so if my 6th gear wheel speed info is totally linear
and smooth in relation to rpm, then am I good
at set up and driving or am I running tc

could always have a printable program that
shows whatever I want it to show

Joe :)

Keith Turk wrote:

>Okay I went to Davis Technology's... and your right
>Dave... there is no way anyone can detect one of these devices.  If Nascar
>can't control it.. or Drag racing.... with anything other then threats what
>makes the folks that run our amatuer racing think there is even the remote
>possibility of success...  These folks are racing for BIG MONEY... that makes
>some folks think differently....  in our new world some folks call this
>situational integrity....  it's still cheating... pure and simple.
>If anyone ever questioned me about this on what we are doing... I'd simply
>show them the wheel speed sensor information from that last pass....  First
>and second gear were pretty ugly ....

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