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FIA Costs for attempt and ratification

To: LSR List <>
Subject: FIA Costs for attempt and ratification
From: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 04:32:35 -0500
Bryan and List

To be 'hit' with unexpected costs after making any speed attempt would be
rather shocking but should not have occured. 

As I understand it even during the 80's and 90's the FIA required paperwork
to be completed to even gain authority to make an FIA attempt -  to obtain
"an attempt permit".   The FIA attempt regulations of Appendix D then have
to be followed.   Whoever carried out this process for the team (or teams),
should have been fully aware of the costs involved and when payments needed
to be made.  

"The amount of fees payable to the ASN (this refers to the US Governing
organisation for Bonneville attempt) or to the FIA will be fixed each year
by the FIA".  

There was no 'secret' that money had to paid - rule 109 (it was and is rule
106 now)  - "The FIA will keep a register of International Records ........
and will issue on request certificates of those records for which a fee
will be payable to the FIA". 

The upfront authorisation  payments today are to the governing body of the
country in which the attempt is taking place.  Were they when you made your
bid?  If so that money does not or did not go (directly) to the FIA.  In
the past the record ratification cost was separate (if a bid failed then
money would have been 'saved' as ratification would not have been needed). 
 Today the fee appears to include the costs of ratification by the FIA
committe, but still the money is paid to the host country governing body
(or to the drivers governing body if he is from overseas).  To get 'a piece
of paper' still costs extra. 
As with all motorsports an understanding of the rules does make the whole
process easier (but not any less costly) and to me (so many miles away)
this would not have been the fault of the FIA.  

Drivers and team who wish to pit their skills against the FIA International
and World Speed Records should do so without worries of being 'ripped off'.
 Can my attempt organising business help anyone make an International FIA

It will be interesting to see how many drivers now attempt SCTA/BNI
International Records at the World Finals meeting, which I assume will use
the FIA International Classes structure, with BNI record certificates
available.  This could make the FIA governing body in the USA (your ASN)
take note and Burdette Martin might take the message back through his
committe to the FIA Council.  But don't hold your breath ..............  

Will it be possible to make a private attempt on BNI International Records,
if the SCTA folk are present, at a time other than the WF meet on
Bonneville?  Just asking because the weather conditions could be better
earlier in the year.  What about the SCTA/BNI officiating at another track
all together - say Black Rock?  If yes to either, what would it cost - if
its as much as an FIA attempt, then which would a driver choose to do?! 

Malcolm Pittwood, Derby, England 

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