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Re: Traction control

To: "Waldron, James" <James.Waldron@CWUSA.COM>
Subject: Re: Traction control
From: Dave Dahlgren <>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 15:42:11 -0500
Another thought on this. Drive by wire is getting pretty common now and is so
dangerous they let Moms with a van load of kids use it on the interstate.. If i
have something that reduces power and slows the car down if there is slip and
avoids a tire failure so i can race another day, I fail to see the problem. If I
have traction control as is widely used in OEM applications that selectively
applies a brake at 200 there might be a problem as those systems require
zillions spent in testing to prove they work under all conditions. I am asking
for permission to go slower if the driver runs out of talent before the car runs
out of power.. I would consider some one like Earl Wooden to be a very
accomplished driver yet he among many others have gotten into catastrophic slip
conditions and did not realize it in time.. If something like i propose were in
place he would have gone slower and assuming had data acquisition would have
known why and not had a tire failure that cost the whole car. That is the point
of my whole petition. I am trying to slow it down just in case the driver does
not know what is going on. I have always held the opinion right or wrong that we
are racing cars here not drivers like NASCAR... At least in the record book that
is how they list it car first driver second.. I think supporters could only help
as well.
"Waldron, James" wrote:
> I did like the 'nothing between the drivers foot and the carb but linkage' 
> but I like this one too.  Does that petition need a list of supporters names?
> Can you post the full text?
> Thanks,
> Jim W.

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