Make sure you understand the manufacturers instructions before installing.
A "tee" can be used if you using a Halon 1211 or 1301 system Make sure you
have the correct nozzles for the type system also.....A "Wet Water" system
must be plumbed as a closed loop system. It leaves the bottle, stub tees to
nozzles and leads back to the bottle. This system works great in an engine
compartment with a belly pan. 4 nozzles at the corners will flood an engine
compartment. Just ask Ken Walkey. It saved his liner. These have nozzles
which are different than Halon systems.
It's best not to try and use one bottle for everything. If it's a closed
car ei: coupe, streamliner wet water for the driver is the safest. The
engine compartment can use many kinds: wet water, halon, CO2, dry chemical.
etc.. Ever see what a 10 lb dry chemical extinguisher does under a closed
hood it's awesome.. Your last statement said one nozzle for the engine. If
your using a bent engine you will need 2, one for each side..There are a few
advertisers in the rule book; call or e-mail them info and an instruction
sheet copy before you buy. Internet too.....Good Luck..J.D. (as I see them
during inspection)
----- Original Message -----
> Two questions I hope you can answer; 1) can I run a single line out of
> fire bottle and then use a "Tee" fitting to split it into two nozzles
> further down from the bottle for the bottle inside the car and the one
> covers the engine bay?