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Re: Bonneville 200mph club minimums...

To: List Land Speed <>
Subject: Re: Bonneville 200mph club minimums...
From: "John Beckett" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 19:44:49 -0400
 First of all, I hate minimums, and Keith (East Coast Two Club President)
knows my feelings on this. On the other hand entrance to any of the four 200
MPH clubs should be difficult to achieve and not a slam dunk. So do we
establish and increase minimums as technology progresses? Don't know what
the best alternative is...and maybe we already have it, but did I mention I
hate minimums.

    BTW I got in the Club in 1992 at 210.189 breaking one of Tom Bryant's
records. Ideally everyone should achieve membership by breaking a record
over 200 MPH. Guess life would be simpler if the record book was full before
this minimum stuff came up.

JB, #79, D/GCC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas E. Bryant" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: Bonneville 200mph club minimums...

> Jack,
> I don't often disagree with your comments, but I take issue with this
> one. I hope it was said with "tongue in cheek". The Bonneville 200 MPH
> Club is, and should be, a prestigious group. And, yes we are all feeding
> our egos!
> In the beginning it was very difficult to set a record over 200 MPH.
> Today it is quite easy. We had a stock body Cadillac running 195+ last
> week. Even with the minimums in place there are many new additions each
> year. But at least with the minimums the playing field is leveled
> I am very proud to have accomplished membership in the Club, I chased it
> for more than 30 years. I could have jumped into someone's car or
> borrowed an engine and probably realized my dream earlier, but I had my
> own agenda. I did it my way! If all you have to do is find a soft record
> or minimum and go for it, it does diminish the honor of achieving this
> goal. Maybe all people don't feel the same, but that is how I feel. What
> is the point of belonging to something that has no real meaning.
> Just for the record, I joined in 1990 @ 217.236 in the Pierson Coupe,
> the others were in our present car. Jeff in 1999 @ 234.393, Barry in
> 2002 @ 228.843, Gary in 2002 @ 229.737, and Dan in 2003 @ 242.934. These
> are respectable speeds. I would like to see others work just as hard.
> Tom, Redding CA #216 D/CC

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