This discussion is interesting and very relevant given the recent course
An affordable rear suspension may not be any better than a solid one at
5 "/millisecond
(300mph) but for the first two miles it could be very valuable. A fast
car on the long
course is engaged in a 4 mile drag race. The last mile is for measuring
the speed
you've attained in the first 4. Based on what I've been told, the first
mile has had a
very washboard surface recently. This gradually improves through the
second mile. The
shock loads this places on the drive line have put a number of cars on
the trailer.
Others used part throttle for the first mile or more. Not a good way to
get to the
4 and be going fast.
So if suspension doesn't work above 300, who cares if it does get you to 300
2 or 3 thousand feet sooner? Or increases your 1/4 mile speed from 220
to 260.