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Re: Suspension

To: "'LSR List'" <>
Subject: Re: Suspension
From: "Keith Turk" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 12:43:28 -0500
Once it's deviated to any degree the run is over...  now it's a matter of
controlling the car until it's off the course... Same thing if the motor
isn't perfect...  generally speaking things don't get better with speed...

That having been said how much do I care what lateral G loading the car can
tolerate and still accelerate.... honestly I don't...  what I care about is
what happens when the car hits a pot hole or soft spot in the salt....  how
does the tire and suspension react in a straight line and does the movement
of the suspension steer the car at all?

So much of the drag racing technology focus's on Launching a vehicle and the
dynamics associated with acceleration of mass from a stand still....
again....once the car is underway all of those force vectors may not be what
we are looking for in top speed performance...

Neil I think there is something to the unsprung weight issue thou and it's
something worth looking into further....

Keith ( I've had more lateral G's then forward a couple of times and shut it
down Everytime.... trust me it's ugly stuff... )

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