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RE: Thrust

To: "Jim Dincau" <>, "LSR List"
Subject: RE: Thrust
From: "Russel Mack" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 22:19:27 -0500
Jim put it a little bluntly-- but there really doesn't appear to be much
interest in thrust cars in America anymore.  Maybe it's a fad that just

Why don't you guys send something over to run for the really interesting
records-- Vesco's, White's, or Campos'?  We'll even let you use right-hand
Russ, #1226B

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jim Dincau
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 9:12 PM
To: LSR List
Subject: Re: Thrust

Not meaning any disrespect but who cares?

> Not to worry about where thrust powered cars can run ........ it is 20
> years since Richard Noble recaptured the outright land speed record for
> Britain (04/10/83 UK or 10/04/83 USA) driving Thrust 2.
> His team has since moved the goalposts with Andy's supersonic runs in the
> later Thrust SSC but after 20 years you might expect another country to

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