I think it's time to remind you all of what it was like before the 2
courses. The wait was 4 to 5 hours all week with no one in the pits and 85%
of the cars being worked in line. There were 2 lines and you might get one
run a day. The 2 courses were a God send to the racers.
Now I can also state another fact after reading ALL of the entire weeks
runs. I do this so the competitors can get the proper timing tag. I take it
upon myself to do this. After seeing the speeds I can come to some
The lines this year, at least the long course, were because for:
#1: Lack of respect. There were many multiple driver teams that were using
the long course for drivers licensing for under 175. The car may have been
qualified but the drivers were not, and they took valuable time on the long
course instead of going over to the short course for their licensing.
#2: Again lack of respect; your car is running badly and you stay on the
course, short or long and drive all the way through 5 or 7 miles at very
reduced speeds. I'm not talking about 50cc machines here either
#3: You really don't know what to do so you stop on the course. Before
everyone gets in or on the seat; they should ask themselves one question
"where am I going." I really think that inexperience play a big part at
Speed Week. It's great to have made it and want to do it. But we all must
Actually Glen sees this more and more every year and he can comment better
than me. So as your waiting in line, Think about what you are going to do
maybe ask the fellow in front of you what he's going to do and the last
thing is be ready when it's your turn to go.......J.D. keepin the dream