I'd suggest you also put in a few 220V outlets for things like welders,
compressors, etc. Put at least one on the outside of the shop so you can do
jobs there instead of having to haul everything inside. Ditto for compressed
air outlets and water lines.
I poured a small concrete slab outside the shop so I could place my air
compressor there instead of having to put up with the noise inside the shop.
Shop doors are a matter of personal choice but I avoided the conventional
overhead garage door in my shop because it took up too much overhead space
for the track and opener. Instead, I used a sliding door like you see on
industrial buildings and hangers. I wanted a "barn door" type that has both
doors swing outside to open but I couldn't find any! In any case, think
about the space you'll lose when you have the door(s) open and the type of
weather seal you'll need.
Insulate the shop walls & roof so it will be a more comfortable place to
work and putting in some small, wide windows up high in the walls will let
in a lot of light but, being small, they won't make it easy for midnight
skulkers to break in or look in. Be sure you can open them for ventilation.
Enjoy that shop!
Regards, Neil Tucson, AZ
-----Original Message-----
From: Sparky []
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 8:18 AM
Subject: Garage
Imput wanted
Guys I am building a garage in my new back yard---I welcome any and all
features and must have ideas
I remember a thread about lighting, air lines and floorseal --Jerry Foster
told me about 5" high electric plugs --Dick J about over head storage
shelves around the sides
This thing is looking like it will be 36' x 32' maybe 36'
Feedback please---thanks in advance---
Lakester 2211