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Re: Re: Rear Wheel Steering--taildraggers

To: "Keith Turk" <>,
Subject: Re: Re: Rear Wheel Steering--taildraggers
From: Sparky <>
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 10:20:14 -0500
I had a Cessna 185 for a long time ---it had a tendency to be much like a wife 
or girl friend--she would check me out on nearly every landing---just to see if 
I  was paying attention to her and--- not takin' HER for granted--- if you were 
paying attention -- little inputs early would keep her from getting bent out of 
shape--if not then nearly nothing worked but a whole lot of differential 
braking---this may be the clue---very small inputs very early---otherwise 
nothing can much help when the mass in relation to the CG has much 
> From: "Keith Turk" <>
> Date: 2003/10/02 Thu AM 05:53:33 CDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: Rear Wheel Steering
> The Apache is a tail dragger on the ground...  and frankly it's not that
> hard to drive around.... except seeing of course which is the primary bitch
> about the whole tail dragger gig...
> Beauty of a Helicopter is that if things get iffy... you simply pick it up
> and turn it and then put it back on the ground... oh to the world of three
> dimensions...
> K

Lakester 2211

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