yeah well, just be using it on an intercooler
yeah thats it, an intercooler
James Tone wrote:
>I as read it if nitrous is used in a pickup it must be for "time only" since
>we have no fuel classes for pickups. But I guess 200 is 200 anyway you can
>get it
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joe Amo" <>
>To: "Jim Webb" <>
>Cc: "Land-Speed" <>
>Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 8:26 PM
>Subject: Re: New Toy in the Box
>>sounds like the best plan is to go to WF
>>I wil provide enough nitrous and accomanying parts
>>to get the truck over 200, then you can spend the
>>winter making lakester money out of the truck
>>wadda ya think, take advantage of opportunities
>>Joe :)
>>Jim Webb wrote:
>>>After a whirlwind trip from south Texas to Kansas, there is a new project
>>>the Nuts garage. I struck a deal with John Goodman and now am the proud
>>>daddy of a NE/GL (that's a no-engine gas lakester). The car itself (along
>>>with John) holds the G/GL and G/FL records.
>>>Of course no good thing comes without some caveats...
>>>My dear wife says the Big Red Truck needs to go 200 before I can get
>>>about the lakester. Hmmm all motor parts kinda look alike to her... She
>>>recently heard saying something about a second childhood. I like to think
>>>is a continuation of a misspent youth.
>>>Anyway, it looks like a busy off-season shaping up. A rat motor to
>>>a new transmission to put in the truck, a lakester to build a drivetrain
>>>for, a trailer to rehab, etc.
>>>Oh yeah, it IS a front steer car... <grin>
>>>Jim Webb
>>>Chock Full o' Nuts
>>>#527 A/PP 193.402 2002
>>> B/PP 190.967 2002
>>> A/PP 172.695 2001