Ok then! -For all you Blues Fans out there that havent heard, this is
the year of the Blues as declared by the US Congress no less
And as such, Saturday night, starts a 7 part TV series on PBS TV you NEED
to see. Itll be 2 hours long per episode! Wow. Its about time huh ?
Blues finally getting the recognition it so deserves.
All I can say is wonderful !
Go to http://www.pbs.org/theblues/ and
http://www.pbs.org/theblues/broadcast.html to learn all about it! Theres
lots to see & learn
This teaser from: http://www.pbs.org/theblues/index.html:
The Blues anchors a multi-media celebration that raises awareness of the
blues and its contribution to American culture and music worldwide. Under
the guiding vision of Executive Producer Martin Scorsese, seven directors
will explore the blues through their own personal styles and perspectives.
The films in the series are motivated by a central theme: how the blues
evolved from parochial folk tunes to a universal language.
The seven-part film series includes:
Feel Like Going Home by Martin Scorsese
The Soul of a Man by Wim Wenders
The Road to Memphis by Richard Pearce
Warming by the Devil's Fire by Charles Burnett
Godfathers and Sons by Marc Levin
Red, White & Blues by Mike Figgis
Piano Blues by Clint Eastwood
if that wasnt enough to warm the cockles of your heart,.. to make things
even better ( ! can it be ? ) there is a 13 part, 1 hour radio series
starting next week as well on Public Radio.
Holy Smokes.
I quote: The Blues" Radio Series Public Radio International (PRI) Affiliate
Stations Nationwide 9/28/03 - 3/31/04 Please consult local listings for
exact broadcast dates and times.
-youll need to consult your local listing to get the air time on this deal.
Better stock up on plenty of audio and videotape -and get yo' dates
Enjoy your free ear candy, :-) Cheers,.. & signin' off, -it's your pal,
"Dirt Track Doug"
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