Since you are starting from scratch with a fire system, I
would recommend you design around Coldfire as an agent.
Several reasons; halon is dangerous to breathe, coldfire cools
hot surfaces to prevent re-ignition, re-fills are WAY cheaper
since it is a water-based agent, halon is being phased out
here, mainly due to environmental pressue, so re-fills &
annual inspections are getting tougher to get, and finally, it
wouldn't surprise me to see SCTA ban it some day. Inspectors
have already begun to discourage it's use, particularly in the
cockpit. These are merely my opinions (and based on
experience), but a phone call to Roy Creel for his thoughts
might be well worth the dime. The Pahrump Fire Department
would prolly not be much help.... doesn't seem like much there
to save in a fire (the Mayfield Compound excepted) and little
or no water to put it out with......... Your dry lake is dry
for a reason ;-)
---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 22:10:12 -0800
>From: "DrMayf" <>
>Subject: Fire Bottle Diameter..
>To: <>
>Well, you all were mostly helpful: I now know the diameter of
the small 5
>pound bottle but still do not know the diameter of the big
bottle nor how
>tall it is. Any help out there...messaged Diest when the
first note went out
>but no response...WIll try Stroud tomorrow...
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