I met the GT-40 feller at the Lime Rock Park vintage road races in Sept 1997
when he rode up on an old Schwinn Bycycle to check out Boogie Woogie, -and
he spotted my vintage Bonneville decal in her window and he related to me
what an eye-opener it was ...(to say the least) spinnin' out that ol'Foad
the month before. So it was Speedweek 1997.
His name as I recall is Archie Urcoli and he's also got a bee-utifull
O-ridginal D-Jag... I'm not sure how much "it" is but "it" must be nice!
LOL :-)
Bob from Connecticut might verify his name and personna -he was there too as
I recall...
-Dirt Track Doug in So-New Yawk