As an inspector and a member of the rules committee of the decade or so,
this seem as if people are always questioning what is in the "Book". A
builder using the knowledge of 2002 can't possibly know that the reason the
firewall rule says what it does was the get the competitors, of the era it
was written, to quit using "wood" as there firewalls. No one at that time
could even consider 30 or 40 years later we would be discussing inconel as a
firewall. Most of the fast cars I look at have a 1/4" steel firewall. Every
rule or "Guideline" in the book was written usually because some one was
hurt. The rules are only the minimum required. One can always write or
phone the Steve Batchelor the technical committee chairman and ask for
his"ruling" on the question. He is listed in the book.
This reminds me of one of our competitors and car builders who asked me why
he couldn't use a multi-tube frame in a street roadster. I asked him if he
new why the the Top Fuel guys in drag racing could not use the "Screw"
blower like the alcohol guys. He said because they would go too fast. I
said that was not true. It's because the NHRA rules says you can't.
The rules are there for a reason. They are also not always in black or
white as we have all found out. They also are not perfect. One must think of
what's trying to be done by the competitor. A roadster with a 1.5 liter
Pinto motor will be looked at a little differently the one with a 500ci
Blown KB and if the following year the "Pinto" roadster showed up with that
500ci Blown KB where the 1.5 liter was, it may not able to run. Hey!!! keep
thinking till it hurts and remember: have fun first, then go fast.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glen Barrett" <>
To: "Albaugh, Neil" <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Rulebook Firewall Question
> Gentlemen
> I think common sense is the rule here. Having been on several rescues over
> the years where there was a fair amount of fire I don't think I would run
> anything under 1/8 inch aluminum or other metal. The reason I am stating
> this is the heat along with concussion caused by a major engine explosion
> the engine compartment can cause enough distortation to the fire wall to
> allow liquid and flame into the drivers area. This goes for front or rear
> engine vehicles.It doesen't take much of a hole to turn the flame into a
> blow torch at speed.
> This of course is up to the racer and the current rule book. We are not
> being hurt by a little weight in our sport and the added protection seems
> to me it just might protect my ass.
> Glen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Albaugh, Neil" <>
> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 2:10 PM
> Subject: RE: Rulebook Firewall Question
> > Joe;
> >
> > You have a good point. Perhaps what you suggest is a good approach; the
> > sheets are factory marked with the manufacturer's name, alloy, and heat
> > number so perhaps a good photo might be adequate supporting evidence.
> >
> > If anyone doubts the heat resistance of Inconel, I could bring my
> > torch......
> >
> > Regards, Neil Tucson, AZ
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