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Re: [ducati] avoiding tankslappers (very long)

To: (Rick Hammond),
Subject: Re: [ducati] avoiding tankslappers (very long)
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 20:14:21 -0500 (EST)
Rick, this is an interesting paper, certainly worth reading for any
motorcyclist.  I have the commercial videotape that contains Orritt's

The possibility of speed-wobble seems to be inherent in the steering and
stability system of a motorcycle, but we have always been taught that an
effective steering damper(friction or hydraulic) is an adequate answer
to it.  So I have found, myself.  The paper doesn't answer the question
whether Orritt's steering damper was defective, inadequate, or broken
and brought on the crash.  

I believe  traditional racing machines around 300 lbs or less are much
safer on this score (or 250 Kawasaki Ninjas for the road, of the same
poundage) since the strength of a man (or woman) can control them more
readily.  The heavier machines have a mind and will of their own in an
emergency situation.  Orritt's bike was around 400 lbs. or more.

Cheers Ardun Bill

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