I assume you are using the type that "cinch" to your bicep
area....... My own opinion here is get rid of 'em. If you
already have a firesuit, have the D-rings sewn in. If you
don't, order one with the restraints sewn to the cuff. In real
life you will find each arm will prolly be adjusted to a
different length. For example my left arm restraint (the one
most likely to get crushed in a roll-over)is just a matter of
inches long, as all it has to to is grip the wheel, while my
right arm, which must shift gears, is adjusted this way: Belt
in the car, put the tranny in third gear (my longest reach) &
then adjust the strap to that length. Naturally EVERY car on
this list has a different requirement, but the important thing
is, don't let them be loose enough to allow your arms to
flail about in a roll-over. All of this is my own
opinion-there are people on this list that can comment with
first-hand experience.
ed (just lookin' out for you...gotta make sure you can still
push my car up to the line ;-) )
---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 07:45:21 -0600
>From: "JERRY FOSTER" <>
>Subject: Arm Restraints
>To: "LSR Group" <>
>I just noticed that sitting in my (under construction)
roadster, the arm
>restraints will have to be approx 24" long, if I place one
hand at the 12:00
>position on the wheel. It is a simple matter to lower the
steering wheel,
>which I plan to do, but does anybody have any thoughts on arm
restraints? I
>would still have a heck of a time getting my arms out of the
cage, but 24"
>seems much too long to me. Jerry in Dallas
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