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RE: Under Pressure

To: "'glen barrett'" <>,
Subject: RE: Under Pressure
From: "Clay, Dale" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 07:51:09 -0700

As you seem to have practical experience with a "compressed racer" I'll ask
what I've been wondering about this thread.

Filling compressed air bottles involves a LOT of heat.  Scuba and welding
tanks are generally immersed as they are being charged.  How did you deal
with the heat?

Dale C.

Subject: Re: Under Pressure

Malcolm and List
The system you describe regarding the air system used by Mickey Thompson was
the original concept of the Late John Bowen. John was a partner of mine for
many years on several cars.

He was always looking for new ways to do things. It's funny this comes up
now as I have been going through my old files and found a bunch of the
original sketches we used during the early development of the air system.

John and I built the 1st. system for a small block Chevy. We machined and
hand fabricated all of the parts except for a couple of the pressure
regulators and valves.

We tested it for about a year on an engine stand, no dyno at that time. John
got a commercial company involved  and due to other racing and raising a
family I had to drop out of the project.

Danny Ongias had a hand full when the system came on, sorta like a bunch of
turbo boost, like big time. He had a heck of a ride. The project was
workable but the hauling around a bunch of scuba bottles and having a lot of
private time to test and develop it just didn't happen.

It also required a lot of plumbing and caution as the high pressure stored
is dangerous under any conditions. At one time at Lyons Drag Strip a car
with I believe Air Research turbos connected to the rear wheels and two
K-bottles of air strapped to the chassis and some how a neck got broke off
the bottle.

The bottle stayed attached to the car, however it spun the car around in the
pit area and caused some damage. I don't recall if anyone was hurt or not
but they were banned from ever coming back. Never heard any more on the car.


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