Larry et al,
This is soo cool; take a look at this site; go to download software; tube
cutting guide;
Tony Foale is on the MC chassis list and literally 'wrote the book'; and he has
lots of great stuff/common sense on this. The program gives you a print-out of
paper template for the fish-mouths. ;-) A reference mark would also help to
up the joints on each end of a tube.
Rick wrote:
> In a message dated 12/8/01 8:46:18 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> << As for as notching machines, I sell a nice model from Tubular Dynamics but
> I don't
> use them in my shop. I notch all of my tubing on a 2" wide belt Baldor belt
> sander. It has a rubber wheel on the bottom and I can fish mouth the tube in
> seconds. The machine cost about $700 today but you will use it for
> everything. It
> is absolutely the most used piece of equipment I own. Everybody who has seen
> it in
> use, has marveled at the job it does. Investing is quality equipment is not
> cheap
> but if you intend on building your own cars, it will really pays off in the
> end.
> >>
> Joe I would like to know more about fish mouths on tubing. How do you get the
> right size fish mouth on a wheel that is what about 4 inches in dia. Do you
> grind on the side of the belt? Do you cut the angle on a saw then grind? Also
> most cuts need to line up on both ends how do you get the pipe in the right
> orientation? I have a heavy duty belt sander also and I can't understand how
> to make fish mouths on it. I have always set my tubing in a mill and used a
> fly cutter set to the dia. I want and kick the head to the angle I want and
> it cuts a perfect fish mouth. I know this takes too long for someone that in
> the frame building business but works for me.
> Thanks Larry Mac
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