for long time a like to come to El Mirage, but due to a short vacation time
my office and a much shorter bank account, it's hard for me to do this all.
This clouds behind the cars at El Mirage, I saw this on videos which I got from
El Mirage.
It's fantastic for me, when I can be on the salt in August/September/October
when I leave Bonneville in October, I can't wait that it's August again.
Keith, I have to apologize, I totally forgot your request, where the heck comes
Pork Pie from.
Pork Pie is not a Nick Name, this is my artist name.
Pork Pie comes from the London Cockney slang - porky pies means "not true
stories" a pork pie is a "lie"
With my artwork which I doing, I show the people a mirror - look here in, you
never live your life as you like. You take care for your neighbour, that he get
not a bad opinion about you (who care's), in your job, in the public,
you are not yourself. You lie against yourself all your life long.
If I like to buy a Playboy, I buy it, it's doesn't matter if someone is behind
me, who knows me.
You guys on the salt, you knows what you like to do, the need for speed, and
that's great. And that's the reason why I like to be on the salt.
I stayed for years on the camp ground in Wendover (I got not the money to stay
in the motel or casino), where a lot of campers stopped on the way to there
The most question was, how much is the prize money. When I explained that you
has to pay for, to run there, and that there is no prize money, only what you
got at last is a paper where stand on, that you done a new record,
the most shaked there heads and call us crazy. Who care's. This is our life.
There comes my artist name Pork Pie from. I show my opinion straight away, in
artwork, so as in my writing.
I don't like to bother someone, I only like to show - this is what I think.
If someone got a other opinion (I hope, otherwise it would be a nightmare and
are in 1984) than I will accept this. And I will also accept it, when someone
shows me, that I was wrong - you never stop to learn.
for sure, the tire problem from Don in October was cause by a debris.
But I think they means the problem which Don got in August, when the rear tires
lost only in his second run big pieces of rubber - I attached a picture which I
done in August.
See ya
Pork Pie
[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of
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