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Re: Turning Left on the Salt

To: Keith Turk <>, <>
Subject: Re: Turning Left on the Salt
From: wspotter <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 07:42:46 -0700
Actually the first left turns on the salt were during the summer of 1932.
Ab Jenkins made endurance runs that year covering 3,000 miles in 25 hours 30
minutes 36.62 seconds driving solo.  This was in a twelve cylinder Pierce
Arrow.  The AAA hadn't authorized the runs so they didn't accept the speed
as a record so he did it again the next summer with their approval.  Sound
familiar guys and gals?   That was the demonstration that got the land speed
racers off Daytona Beach and out to a safer place.

By 1934 the Brits were there and every summer through 1940 there were
serious endurance attempts by all of the British racers as well as their
straight line runs for records.  Those runs were made with the pits over
where we are starting the races since 1994.  they had two ten mile circles
that overlapped and a twelve mile circle on the outside of those.

Donald Campbell is listed in the 300 mph Chapter of the 2 Club between Craig
Breedlove and Dave Campos.  It's on page 3 of the members, class records and
minimums booklet.


on 10/11/01 4:39 AM, Keith Turk at wrote:

> Hey Guys.... don't mean to give anyone a history lesson here....But Turning
> left on the salt is as big a part of our past as going straight....
> Donald Healey and the Healey Motor company set 59 national and
> international records in his two trips to the salt.... 1954 1956....
> and speaking of History.... I was looking at the Two Club Members... and
> noticed that Sir Malcolm Campbell wasn't included in that group.... did I
> just miss it or is that true?  he only went 301mph back in 1935 at
> Bonneville.

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