Sounds like a great time, Mark. I've owned four Triumphs and a Norton.
Sold the last one (Trackmaster Triumph) just a couple of years ago. Enjoy
and thanks for hosting this list.
Dale C.
Subject: Almost on the road
Killer is on the trailer, the Jeep is almost packed, Karen and I may be
to actually hit the road in an hour or so.
For those of you who don't know, the Vintage Triumph Register is holding its
annual convention in Breckenridge, Colorado, and I will be attending. If
don't know who I am, suffice it to say that the services,
this list, don't just appear out of thin air by magic, there is a man behind
the curtain, and that man will be gone for a while.
or so. Which means that if something goes awry with the
services, like what happened a couple weeks ago when I snuck out of town for
a long weekend, no one will be around to fix it. If list mail stops, the
pages quit working or whatever, be patient, I will fix it when I get back.
And sending off "Is this thing on?" messages will only make it worse, and
require more time for services to return to normal.
Chances are I'll hear about any outages while at the convention, if possible
may be able to fix them remotely, we shall see.
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