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Tow vehicle spare tire inspection

Subject: Tow vehicle spare tire inspection
From: Chuck Rothfuss <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 19:35:07 -0400

   While everyone is getting ready for the next event, and talking about
checklists, you might want to double check the spare tires for your tow rig.

   I'd checked the air in the spare under my Wagoneer before the March
Maxton event, and other than a little dust, saw nothing wrong with it.
Yesterday my son told me it had a "big hole" in it, so I had a look.  3/4 of
the tread and cords were hanging from the mounting bracket, and the entire
sidewall on one side was blown to pieces.  Although it sits out of the sun,
and never had any trouble holding air, this tire obviously rotted away under
the truck.

   I'm real happy I found it now, and not on the road, or after I'd mounted
it on the truck!  Replacing both my truck and trailer spare tires this
summer will make my next trip to Maxton much more relaxing.  

   Check your spares...they're one of the little things that can turn a
minor inconvenience into a major headache in a hurry.

Chuck Rothfuss
Pole Cat Hollow, NC (Just 3 hours tow from Maxton!)

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