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Re: Ron Christensen and "LSR Radio"

Subject: Re: Ron Christensen and "LSR Radio"
From: "Doug Anderson" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 14:32:25 -0000
hear hear!

I could'nt agree more Jon

-that's why I made you guys all that music last summer Wes......

if you need some more holler, and I'll see what I can do.  ya'gotta tell me 
"what sells" the best tho... Blues, old Rock, Big Band, Mozart- what ?

   YeR pAl. 'dA dOuG DoWn sOuTh -NuYawK tHeT iS.... hillaryland  ;=(


" Ron Christensen is really a great guy. I had only met him a few years back 
and everyday I try to get up there at the radio with Ron. I unfortuanatly 
did not ever meet Ellen.
Nothing like waking up and on our trip to the salt from the motel hearing 
Ron bright and early doing his thing. He is truley an asset to the sport 
with his radio broadcasting."



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