Yeah.... I " wannabe a Driver as fast as MIKE...
There are several differnt discussions going on here bout this emergency
stuff.... Let me give you a second take on what John said....
This momentary pause he is talking about reminded me about a Statement I
heard years ago from an Air Force Puke....( kind words for my fellow
aviators ) His answer was the first thing you do is check the Clock....
his thought being is it gave you a second to evaluate the situation....and
that evaluation Process is critical to coming up with the correct output
corrections.... John's incident with the wheel most likely only took 1
second to develope and less then that to come up with the corrective
measures....( which equated to maintaining your cool and contemplating what
the record is in G/Fuel/ Motorcycle .... Classic engineering type answer )
As your sitting there in the car.... the deal is to not only State Fire and
get out.... but to think about how your going to recognize a fire... or the
difference between a fire and an overheating condition.... do you need to
check the gages? Is the water Temp light on? do you see Fire or is it
steam? Then the corrective measures as appropreate for your car... Joe
your on your own here bud.... can't help you with a scooter fire... Lift
your leg? ( didn't you do that already in the oil? )(nevermind)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Van Scoy" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: Emergency's
> Wanabes? Yeah right, I wanna go as fast as you do!
> Ed
> wrote:
> > Keith, Very good info for the newbies & us wanabes
> >
> > Mike
> ///
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