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Re: Salt Flats - Feb 22nd

To: "Cris Shearer" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Salt Flats - Feb 22nd
From: "Keith Turk" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 04:54:21 -0600
Cool to hear the Pumps are running.... Means Better salt still... Thanks to
Rick Vesco and everyone else who contributed and helped in the Save the Salt
Deal.... it's not done... but it's nice to see it working....

And Cris.... I would be real careful with my name out there....LOL there is
at least one of those Pilots that ain't going to be Proud of me....( I dont'
think his check ride went quite as well as he thought it should have )  I
did train many of the Utah National guard folks.... and know many more ...
the Apache community is rather small.... at one time I knew virtually
Everyone in it....

Next time you get a chance ya oughta crawl up in it... you will be amazed at
all the Hooker do's and thing a ma jigs... ... up front in the co-pilot
Gunners station the Left hand is respondsible for operating 1026 possible
switch positions and combinations of switch positions .... This from a guy
who can't remember to take out the trash can on Monday's....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cris Shearer" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 8:58 PM
Subject: Salt Flats - Feb 22nd

> For those with inquiring minds.  Ed and I drove out to the salt last
> Thursday and the flats are under water.  We drove across the freeway
> (dodging traffic of course) to where the pumps are and they are
> running.  Everything is looking good.
>     Sat we went to the annual  RV Sports show at the south end of Salt
> Lake City.  What is so interesting about the show, one of Keith Turks
> Apache helicopters was sitting there on display.  Same one Keith flew
> and trained others on from what I understand.  Several National Guard
> men were there and because I mentioned KEITH's name, they let me up
> close to it and I could have even sat in it.  We were told the pilot
> sits in the 2nd seat and not the front.  Is this true?   Thanks Keith
> for such clout.  Wonder what else I can do with your name???  cris & ed
> in Salt Lake City
> ///

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