This is from Bill "Stainless" Steele of the Bockscar, #1000 crew.
I like this one.
Dan W
----- Original Message -----
From: Steele, Robert W <>
To: 'axel' <>; 'bill and june hart' <>;
'bill wade home' <>; Bunnell, Judith M
<>; 'carol hunsicker' <>;
Cook, David E <>; 'denise huffman'
<>; 'Gary Palumbo' <>; 'GERRY
MILLER' <>; 'Good Don'
<Don.Good@BARKSDALE.AF.MIL>; 'jim lampron' <>; 'Johnboy'
<>; 'larry brayton' <>; 'Lorne Ray'
<>; Moore, Eddie E <>; 'MSAKev'
<>; 'MSAMartyn' <>; 'Ozzie'
<>; Blasi, Paul D <>;
'peckham, bryce' <>; 'Rick Phelps'
<>; 'Rick Stearns' <
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 8:45 AM
Subject: Bravo for the Teacher!!!
> > This article appeared in the editorial section of the
> > San Diego Union Tribune on December 6, 2000:
> >
> > Vice-presidential candidate Sen. J. Lieberman recently
> > asked the question, "What will we tell our children if
> > every vote is not counted?" Here is the response of
> > one citizen:
> >
> > "As a former teacher, I have been concerned about Joe
> > Lieberman's question, What will we tell our children?"
> >
> > "What we should, and must, tell our children is that
> > if they fail to mark the right answer on an exam, or
> > do not fill in the entire test, they will not get
> > credit for their answers. If they do it often enough
> > and if they do not ask for help or read the directions
> > properly, they will fail. We should tell them that
> > when they are older and move to Florida, they must
> > fully read their ballot and remove the entire chad and
> > not keep an entire nation waiting because of their
> > mistakes. We must also tell them to read and read
> > well, to play by the rules and expect a favorable
> > outcome. Teaching them to make excuses for their
> > mistakes has led to a society of victims unable to
> > take responsibility.
> > Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online!
> >