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Subject: Traction
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 20:13:40 EST
The local highway dept here in Yorktown Hts,N.Y. is using a new product 
applied to the streets 10 hrs before a snow storm to cut down on salt/sand 
spread as it supposedly deters ice/snow adhesion. What i noticed is the 
traction when its dry.I took out the sentra w/ 5 spd and only spun the wheels 
when well over 3000 rpm's (dumped clutch). Does ECTA allow surfactants on the 
track? I would think considering the relatively short track, and top speed 
being the goal,it might be an option.In my case,my car is small and light and 
traction aids would be more beneficial from the surface.But,it (ECTA)  is 
concrete and probably has plenty stick,no?( nice conversation i just had with 
myself,eh?).OH yeah,the stuff is a brewery by-product mixed with brine and 
when wet smells mildly like a firehouse toilet ............Bob, about to be 
blizzarded, Wanner 

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