Whoa, if I was an outsider (non rotor-head) looking at this thread I'd
really be confused. Let me try to simplify things a bit for the lists benefit.
Okay, it seems that there's one thing that's the basis of the whole
problem with the displacement formula for the rotary; The simple
misconception that the rotary somehow makes more power strokes per
revolution than a 4 cycle piston engine. In fact, the rotary actually makes
fewer power strokes per revolution, taking 1080 degrees of eccentric shaft
rotation to complete the firing of all of its' 6 chambers, (two rotor
engine) while a six cylinder piston engine takes a mere 720 degrees of
crankshaft rotation to complete its' six firings. This means that using Mr
Dahlgrens two revolution method makes perfect sense.
In two revolutions the rotary makes the exact same number of power
strokes as a 4 cylinder 4 cycle piston engine, providing the only fair way
to compare these engines. (Engines which seem very different, but are in
fact, very similar.)
Chuck Rothfuss
USS Wankel, LSR #510
Pole Cat Hollow, NC