It's in the heater duct, where eles, thats where you been all week'I think.
Keith Turk wrote:
> Okay now I gotta know I am not the only fool to do this...
> I was up in the attic building the unit and it took several different tools
> and parts... one of which was a Z'ed piece of sheet metal... Naturally as I
> was preparing for the trip up there I set this piece down somewhere... ( key
> word somewhere )
> I spent 3 hrs the first night looking for it... and another two hours
> yesterday morning looking... Okay now we have a total of five hours
> searching for what we know is right in front of our nose.... A friend
> dropped by and asked why I didn't Just Make a New one.... hmmm okay good
> question... two cents worth of design intent... 5 min worth of bending and
> whalla... instant new piece... ten minutes later it's installed and
> perfect.... Still haven't seen the other piece...
> So my question is.... WHERE IN THE HELL DID YOU FOLKS HIDE IT?... (
> personally I think Brad snuck in and took it just to see me go crazy )
> Keith ( enjoying life and going to a Dinner party hmmm you reckon there will
> be any gear heads there.... AHHH NOPE )